Versions alternatives

Longing male vocals and delicate piano create a sense of romance and passion while a seductive drum beat, bass, and synths add a touch of yearning to this intimate R&B track. Version - Full
Longing vocals and delicate piano create a sense of romance and passion while a seductive drum beat, bass, and synths add a touch of yearning to this intimate R&B track. Version - No Lead Vocals
Longing vocals and delicate piano create a sense of romance and passion while a seductive drum beat, bass, and synths add a touch of yearning to this intimate R&B track. Version - 60 Second No Lead Vocals
Longing vocals and delicate piano create a sense of romance and passion while a seductive drum beat, bass, and synths add a touch of yearning to this intimate R&B track. Version - 30 Second No Lead Vocals
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